Monday, April 6, 2009

Doesn't count

While in the throws of labor I was told anything goes. My doctor told my sweet husband to not remember anything I say during any of it. I.E. get out , leave me alone, you stink, I hate you for doing this to me, pull it out, pull it out, get me drugs....okay now that one he said to really pay attention to what type of drugs she wants.

So I ask you what are some of the great and memorable lines said in the delivery room, house, back seat of the car. Oh and anything fun happen on the way to the hospital? Did anyone have a husband that left you and drove off only to reverse down the street at 100 mph?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay now i was worried going into labor with my husband. During the child-birth class not only did he fall asleep but when the nurse asked him what he would say to calm me down he answered "suck it up" Nice I know but when it came time he was great. A little too much video taping and my mom had to tell him enough of the jokes. But he did great!