Monday, April 6, 2009

Stuff They don't tell you

Those of us that are already on the other side of the threshold that our Jen is anticipating to cross have had some ... lets say ... "fun" experiences. What experiences you say? Let me elaborate and then please fill in a quick story of when something like this has happened to you. Remember ... share and share alike.

*peed your pants while pregnant because you 1-coughed 2-laughed 3-hiccuped 4-blinked 5-had another child jump on your bladder (other than the inside one).

*started crying in the middle of public 1-the parking lot because you've lost your car 2-the mall because you can't remember why you thought you'd need to shop for a swimsuit now? 3-the stove top commercials (not even hallmark those work on anyone w/o hormones) 4-your husband came back from the gas station.

*you realize you're too puffy for 1-your shoes 2-your pants 3-your watch 4-your earings 5-purse

*had large sounding gas at the 1-PX 2-Commissary 3-friends house 4-church 5-boss's office 6-standing in line

*blamed the gas on another persone there.

*known that a pad could be larger than 14 inches

*ice packs are made to fit your crotch

*sent your spouce for an enima, tucks, diapers, nursing pads, prune juice, and the neighbor at 10:30 pm while crying.

*your check your calendar to remember when you 1-showered last 2-saw your ankle bones 3-weren't in the sturrups every week 4-knew which was bigger the tummy or your butt 5-could get naked w/o help from someone else

Okay so I've gotten the ball rolling here but I'd like to put a disclaimer that in no way.... not even close ... ever ...EVER would any of the above things ever happened to me .... well that's only true if I say all in one day. Okay so I will. None of the above information happened to me in one day.

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